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a wayの例文


  • a way to get her in that junction box .
    ジャンクションboxに繋ぐため 彼女を捕まえないとならない
  • has been that we've been limited , in a way .
    興味深いのは 我々は常に 限定されていたことです
  • i'm so glad that you boys found a way to reconnect .
    二人がヨリを戻してくれて 嬉しい
  • that i'm going to do so in a way that tells a story
  • almost died trying to find a way out of these caves .
  • i was looking for a way to make you ...
    気になって ずっと調べていたんですが 見ていただけますか?
  • you're asking me to behave in a way that isn't me .
    私のやり方ではないことを しろと?
  • will romeo find a way to make it safely to juliet ?
    ロミオ ジュリエットの元へ向かいます
  • we had to figure out a way to manufacture lenses
    このレンズをどうやって 非常に高い生産性で
  • if you can find a way to take the tribes that you're in
  • in such a way that they expect simple problems .
  • position in a way such that the pointed end faces up .
  • in a way that would purposely make people angry ?
    あんな わざと怒らせるような 言い方!
  • it's a way of using the language between actual people .
  • ever since , i've been looking for a way to thank you .
  • i got a way for you to get out of here . okay ?
    お前をここから出す方法を見つけた いいか?
  • see if i can find a way out of this mess .
    この馬鹿げたことを止めさせる 方法がないか確かめてるの
  • was working on a way to make plastic stiffer .
  • as a way to say , come back to me .
    そこで「準備ができたら私のところへ 戻ってきて」という意味を込めて
  • the bushido as a way of thought in modern times .
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3